Ameriscapes construction Companies 

Our most recent projects

Commercial projects 

Residential projects 

For additional current and past Project Inquiries, please email  and send in the request. These are always given to prospective customers for past performances and logs.

Below you will find AmeriScapes's latest works of art. Are we in a neighborhood near you? We are always expanding, and improving within our related fields, and are always adding raving customers to our list!

Richmond IN - Olive Garden Restaurant

Dayton OH - Love Travel Stop Capital Improvements

Dayton OH - Marathon Petroleum Remodel & Upgrades

Richmond IN - Welcome Inn Bar & Grill 

Richmond IN - Aldi Grocery Store 

Finneytown OH - Mi Cozumel Restaurant

Columbus OH - Tic Tac Taco Deli

Dillsboro IN - Friendship State Bank 

Mason OH - Kitchen remodel 

Westchester OH - New Flooring, Crown Molding & Baseboards

Westchester OH - Single story family home renovation. New flooring, electrical, baseboards and casework.

Cincinnati OH - Residential Retaining Wall 

Richmond IN - E St. Retaining Wall 

Liberty IN - Brookville Lake Resorts retaining wall.

Richmond IN - Oak Park Retaining Wall

Centerville IN - Study Rd Bathroom remodels

Richmond IN - Straightline Rd Fencing 

Liberty IN - Retaining wall addition

Columbus OH - Backyard hardscaping